Drimbawn House

Nestled on the shore of Lough Mask in Co. Mayo, Drimbawn House stands as a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. As I ventured through its grand entrance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, knowing that Drimbawn House is accessible to the public for just two days each year.

On my way to Drimbawn House, I made sure to stop at Loch Na Fooey in Connemara, County Galway, as it is one of my favorite places. This picturesque lake, nestled amidst breathtaking mountains and hills, never fails to captivate me.  

An awe-inspiring scene at Lough Na Fooey in Connemara, Ireland, with magnificent lighting casting a magical glow over the lake and its surroundings.

As I stood overlooking the walled garden of Drimbawn House, I was immediately struck by its immaculate beauty. The garden was meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers bursting with color and neatly trimmed hedges guiding the eye along its pathways. The sheer variety of plants amazed me, showcasing a delightful array of textures and shapes. From elegant roses to whimsical wildflowers, every corner of the garden revealed a new surprise.

Historical greenhouse nestled within the walled garden at Drimbawn House.

Taking a leisurely stroll through the estate, I came across charming woodlands, offering a peaceful retreat from the outside world. As I continued my walk, the landscape unfolded to reveal breathtaking vistas of Lough Mask. Along the way, I encountered meadows bursting with an array of wildflowers, creating a vibrant and picturesque scene.

In conclusion, my visit to Drimbawn House proved to be an unforgettable experience. Moreover, the opportunity to test my new compact 28mm lens on the Nikon Z7 added an extra layer of excitement to the adventure. The 28mm 2.8 lens proved to be an absolute joy to use throughout the day, with its compact and lightweight design and the ability to consistently produce stunning images.

Please enjoy the gallery below featuring more photos from the day.

Photos need a click:)


The Echo of a Tune I Have Not Heard


Getting Ready